SIP-Lab Open Source Repository

The codes of the following projects conducted in the Signal and Image Processing Laboratory (SIP-Lab) at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) can be downloaded from the GitHub repository listing below.

Audio Processing Smartphone Apps

Apps developed for performing real-time low-latency audio processing on smartphones (both Android and iOS):

  1. Smartphones as Open Source Signal Processing Platform
  2. Integrating Signal Processing Modules of Hearing Aids into a Real-Time Smartphone App
  3. Adaptive Noise Reduction and Background Noise Classification Apps Using a Dual External Microphone
  4. Convolutional Neural Network-Based Voice Activity Detection App
  5. Unsupervised Background Noise Classification App
  6. Multiband Compression App
  7. Personalized Noise Reduction + Compression App for Hearing Enhancement

Deep Learning Models and Implementation

  1. Real-Time Implementation of Deep Learning Models on Smartphones
  2. Autoencoder-Based Multispectal Image Fusion